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How We Work

Unify SoftTech is More Than Software Company

We at Unify SoftTech have served a plethora of companies with our best and high-quality services. Additionally, we have also gained appreciation from our clients after the successful completion of the projects. Apart from web solutions, we provide digital marketing services and much more.

Every time we accept the new challenge to compete with our own skills and come out with enhanced expertise. We assist our clients to meet their pre-defined objectives, and we accept every company’s work, whether it be a simple or complex structure, we accept it and prove our capabilities.

In-Depth Analysis

Before we jump to your website, we ensure to first conduct an in-depth analysis or deep study about your competitors so we can come up with a new and great idea that could be implemented in your website, so your website can compete with your competitor’s website.

Sketching Your Dreams To Turn Them Into Reality!

Once the analysis is done, we make sure to sketch or prepare a blueprint of your website, so you and we have an idea of how your website will look. The blueprint makes it easy for us and our clients to know where each tab, slider, and various sections will be placed, so if you don’t like something, then we can make changes to the sketch to meet your requirements.

UI Designs Give Modish Look To Your Website

Once the flowchart or blueprint is ready and approved, web designers, showcase their expertise through web designing. Web designers give a creative touch to the project through graphic designs. Our designers guarantee that website will leave a long-lasting impression on web users.

Web Development Brings The Project Alive!

Actual implementation starts after the successful completion of web designing, and at this stage, web developers sprinkle the magic of their code to bring the website alive. UX developers make use of different techniques and technologies to provide a better user experience as well as they make full efforts to reach customer’s expectations.

Testing Project To Locate Errors

After completing every aspect of the project, we make sure to test it properly, but at the end of the project, it is our responsibility to test the entire project for any error or bug, so it can be eliminated as soon as possible. In this phase, we ensure to check every element related to the project so that we can deliver a project to its customer with confidence.

Successful Deployment

Once testing is successfully done, your project will be ready to deliver to you on time, here we offer you the facility to move your website on our server support system, or you can transfer the website to your hosted server, the choice will be yours!


We are available to provide you the service of maintenance without overcharging you. Many companies may skip this part, but we think this is the time to show our work ethics, and every client appreciates our work process, that’s why they usually get back to us for more projects.

How We Love To Work!


Growth in keyword ranking


Increase in Organic traffic


Increase in Top 10 ranking


Increase in Visit duration

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We are facilitating our customers by providing plenty of high-quality services to turn their dreams into reality.

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